
Early Learning Centre


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High Quality Albany Daycare

Summerfield Early Learning Centre opened its doors more than 35 years ago and is highly regarded and recognised for its quality of care and education of children, toddlers and babies.

We are independently owned, and operated by a passionate experienced team and offer unique experiences for children in a strikingly beautiful natural setting in the heart of Albany.

Your child is unique…. Summerfield is too!






















Pipi Room - Infants and Toddlers

Summerfield’s youngest children are growing at a rapid rate. We provide a safe and stimulating environment where children can thrive and grow to their full potential. Children are absorbing everything the world has to offer, at Summerfield they have the world at their fingertips.

Paua Room - Toddlers

Our toddlers need love and attention to guide their growing independence, enhance their sense of belonging and support their language and motor skills. We provide an environment tailored to stimulate and challenge our children to become inquisitive learners.

Pohutukawa Room - Preschool

Our preschool children are inventive and creative explorers who want to test theories and practice their developing social skills. They like to be cooperative and collaborate in order to solve problems, take risks and understand their place in the world.

Spacious outdoor environments for nature inspired play

Space for children to explore, investigate and discover the wonders of nature